Announcements and Prayer Requests

If you have an announcement that you would like published, or you have a prayer request for the congregation at Zion, please fill out the form below and we will update the site shortly thereafter.  Thanks!

The Thursday Ladies Bible Study is currently working through the Women of Faith Mentoring Series.    If you are interested in becoming a mentor, and would like free copies of the audio files and work sheets to go through on your own, please contact us below.

Our new church doors are in!   Thank you for all your donations and hard work to make our entrance fabulous!

Make sure you take a stroll through our's not a real safari, but it's looking pretty good.   Our children's wing is being transformed into an animal kingdom, so be sure to visit the area and see how each room/hallway is being transformed!   Help is always needed!   See any Children's Ministry teacher to volunteer.

Send Your Announcements and Calandar Submissions to Zion Missionary Church here:


